Program of the 5th Annual Conference on
The Political Economy of International Organizations
January 26 – 28, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Breakfast at hotel (
8:45-9:00am Opening remarks
9:00-10:45am Session 1: Free Trade Agreements
(Location: Bartley 2001)
Chair: Katharina Michaelowa (Zurich)
- Paper 1: Xuepeng Liu (Kennesaw State), Emanuel Ornelas (LSE), Free Trade Agreements and the Consolidation of Democracy. Discussion openers: Stephen Knack, Stephen Nelson
- Paper 2: Samuel Standaert (Ghent), Glenn Rayp (Ghent), Rent-Seeking and Regional Integration Agreements. Discussion openers: Chia-Ying Chang, Haillie Lee
- Paper 3: Tobias Hofmann (National University of Singapore), Soo Yeon Kim (National University of Singapore), Designing Credibility: The Political Economy of Dispute Settlement Design in Preferential Trade Agreements. Discussants: Stephen Chaudoin, Moonhawk Kim
10:45-11:15am Break
11:15-1:00pm Session 2: IMF
(Location: Bartley 2001)
Chair: J. Lawrence Broz (California, San Diego)
- Paper 1: Molly Bauer Racenberg (CIA), The Fallacy of Funding: Why IMF-Supported Programs Fail to Catalyze Investment. Discussants: Graham Bird, Randall Stone
- Paper 2: Martin Edwards (Seton Hall), Kelsey Coolidge (Seton Hall), Daria Preston (Seton Hall), Who Reveals? Transparency and the IMF’s Article IV Consultations. Discussants: Axel Dreher, Daniel Nielson
- Paper 3: Dimitrios Mylonas (BCA Research), Graham Bird (Surrey & Claremont McKenna), Dane Rowlands (Carleton), IMF Program Participation: Is Political Influence Systematic or Selective? Discussion openers: Molly Bauer Racenberg, Martin Edwards
1:00-2:30pm Lunch
2:30-4:15pm Session 3: Informal Influence
(Location: Bartley 2001)
Chair: Randall Stone (Rochester)
- Paper 1: Christopher Marcoux (New College of Florida), Johannes Urpelainen (Columbia), Frivolous But Rational: Moribund Hard Law in International Institutions. Discussion openers: Jan Schmitz, Daniel Yew Mao Lim
- Paper 2: Barbara Koremenos (Michigan), What’s Left Out and Why? Informal Provisions in Formal International Law. Discussion openers: Nancy Brune, Duncan Snidal
- Paper 3: Moonhawk Kim (Colorado at Boulder), Why Coalesce? Informal Coalitions in Multilateral Trade Negotiations. Discussion openers: David DeRemer, Daniel Tirone
4:30-6:30pm Poster Session with Cocktails
(Location: Dundale Hall)
World Trade Organization
- Paper 1: Mark Copelovitch (Wisconsin-Madison), Jon Pevehouse (Wisconsin-Madison), “Currency Wars” By Other Means? Exchange Rates and GATT/WTO Dispute Initiation. Discussants: Soo Yeon Kim, Samuel Standaert
- Paper 2: David DeRemer (Columbia), The Evolution of International Subsidy Rules. Discussants: Ana Espínola-Arredondo, Krzysztof Pelc
International Monetary Fund
- Paper 3: Stephen Nelson (Northwestern), Geoffrey Wallace (Kentucky), Are IMF Programs Really Bad for Democracy? Discussants: Leonardo Baccini, Katharina Michaelowa
- Paper 4: Chia-Ying Chang (Victoria University of Wellington), Banking Crisis and Sudden Stops: What Could IMF do to Assist? Discussants: Leonardo Baccini, Erasmus Kersting
- Paper 5: Claudia Maurini (Bank of Italy), Did it work? The IMF and Emerging Markets Sovereign Spreads. Discussants: Martin Edwards, Christoph Moser
- Paper 6: Phillip Lipscy (Stanford), Haillie Lee (Georgetown), Do Institutional Distortions Matter? IMF Moral Hazard and Excess Reserve Accumulation. Discussants: Gary Goertz, Emanuel Ornelas
- Paper 7: Quintin Beazer (Yale), Byungwon Woo (Oakland), IMF Programs & Economic Reforms in Transition Countries. Discussants: Stephen Knack, Matthew Winters
- Paper 8: Terrence Chapman (Texas, Austin), Songying Fang (Rice), Randall Stone (Rochester), The Conditional Nature of the IMF Catalytic Effect. Discussants: Molly Bauer Racenberg, Graham Bird
- Paper 9: Jeffry Frieden (Harvard), J. Lawrence Broz (California, San Diego), The Political Economy of International Monetary Policy Coordination. Discussants: Moonhawk Kim, Krzysztof Pelc
- Paper 10: Felicity Vabulas (Chicago), Duncan Snidal (Oxford), Informal Intergovernmental Organizations (IIGOs). Discussants: Christopher Marcoux, Helen Milner
- Paper 11: Daniel Verdier (Ohio State), The Choice Between Formal and Informal Governance in the Areas of Currency and Trade: A Two-Level Approach. Discussants: Christina Davis, Justin Leinaweaver
- Paper 12: Mareike Kleine (LSE), Knowing Your Limits. Flexibility and Informal Authority in the EU and Beyond. Discussants: Cristina Bodea, Barbara Koremenos
United Nations
- Paper 13: Yukari Iwanami (Rochester), Delegating the Power to Govern Security Affairs: The Composition of the UN Security Council. Discussants: Jan Schmitz, Matthew Winters
- Paper 14: Jan Schmitz (Institute of Law and Economics, Hamburg), Johannes Schwarze (Institute of Law and Economics, Hamburg), Determinants of the Election of Non-Permanent Members to the United Nations Security Council – An Empirical Analysis. Discussants: Gal Hochman, James Raymond Vreeland
- Paper 15: Paula Castro (Zurich), Lena Hörnlein (Bayreuth), Katharina Michaelowa (Zurich), Constructed Peer Groups and Path Dependence in International Organizations: The Case of the International Climate Change Negotiations. Discussants: J. Lawrence Broz, Michael Tierney
- Paper 16: Desha M. Girod (Georgetown), Daniel Yew Mao Lim (Harvard), James Raymond Vreeland (Georgetown), The International Sources of Intrastate Conflict: United Nations Security Council Membership, Temporary Aid Shocks, and African Civil War Onset. Discussants: Emily Hencken Ritter, Cullen Hendrix
- Paper 17: Simon Hug (Geneva), What’s In A Vote? Discussants: Thomas König, Byungwon Woo
Multilateral Development Banks
- Paper 18: Chris Humphrey (LSE), The Politics of Loan Pricing in Multilateral Development Banks. Discussants: Mark Buntaine, Simone Dietrich
- Paper 19: Elizabeth Bland (Villanova), Christopher Kilby (Villanova), Informal influence in the Inter-American Development Bank. Discussants: Daniel Yew Mao Lim, Daniel Nielson
- Paper 20: Christopher Marcoux (New College of Florida), Claire Peeters (Willliam & Mary), Michael Tierney (Willliam & Mary), Principles or Principals? Institutional Reform and Aid Allocation in the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Discussants: Thomas Bernauer, Alexander Ovodenko
- Paper 21: Daniel Tirone (Pittsburgh), Politics and the Effectiveness of Humanitarian NGOs in Civil Conflict. Discussants: Johannes Karreth, Wendy Wong
- Paper 22: Johannes Karreth (Colorado at Boulder), Jaroslav Tir (Colorado at Boulder), International Institutional Environment and Civil War Prevention. Discussants: Helen Milner, Geoffrey Wallace
- Paper 23: Gal Hochman (Rutgers), David Zilberman (California, Berkeley), OPEC and Cheap Fuel Policies (Poster). Discussants: Ana Espínola-Arredondo, Gabriele Spilker
- Paper 24: Jamus Lim (World Bank), Political Economic Pressures in Financial Crisis Resolution. Discussants: Quintin Beazer, Thomas König
- Paper 25: Wim Van Gestel (Leuven), The Indirect Impact of the Lisbon Treaty on Commission Appointment. Discussants: Félix Munoz-García, Johannes Urpelainen
- Paper 26: Manfred Elsig (World Trade Institute), Karolina Milewicz (Oxford), The Politics of “Rushing to Pen”. Treaty Commitment and Diplomatic Ties That Bind? Discussants: Stephen Chaudoin, Félix Munoz-García
- Paper 27: Seo-Young Cho (Goettingen), Axel Dreher (Heidelberg), Eric Neumayer (LSE), The Spread of Anti-Trafficking Policies – Evidence from a new index. Discussants: Courtenay Conrad, Wendy Wong
- Paper 28: Nancy Brune (New Mexico), Alexandra Gibbons Guisinger (Notre Dame), Unpacking the Black Box: The Diffusion of Financial Liberalization in Developing Countries. Discussants: Samuel Standaert, A. Maria Toyoda
7:00pm: Dinner
(Location: Susanna Foo)
Friday, January 27, 2012
Breakfast at hotel (
9:00-10:45am Session 4: World Trade Organization
(Location: Bartley 2001)
Chair: Simon Hug (Geneva)
- Paper 1: Leslie Johns (UCLA), Krzysztof Pelc (McGill), On the Strategic Manipulation of Audiences in WTO Dispute Settlement. Discussion openers: Tobias Hofmann, Johannes Urpelainen
- Paper 2: Stephen Chaudoin (Princeton), International Cooperation, Legalized Dispute Settlement and Information Transmission to Domestic Audiences. Discussion openers: Terry Chapman, Johannes Karreth
- Paper 3: Christina Davis (Princeton), Krzysztof Pelc (McGill), Cooperation in Hard Times: Self-Restraint of Trade Protection. Discussion openers: Soo Yeon Kim, A. Maria Toyoda
10:45-11:15am Break
11:15-12:30pm Session 5: World Bank
(Location: Bartley 2001)
Chair: Christopher Kilby (Villanova)
- Paper 1: Mark Buntaine (William & Mary), Institutionalizing External Accountability: Claims For Environmental Performance at the World Bank Inspection Panel. Discussion openers: Katharina Michaelowa, Michael Tierney
- Paper 2: Matthew Winters (Illinois), Jaclyn Streitfeld-Hall (Illinois), Splitting the Check: Counterpart Commitments in World Bank Projects. Discussion openers: Simone Dietrich, Chris Humphrey
12:30-2:00pm Lunch
2:00-3:45pm Session 6: Regional Integration
(Location: Bartley 2001)
Chair: Stephen Knack (World Bank)
- Paper 1: Julia Gray (Penn), External Actors and Outside Funding in South-South Regional Trade Agreements. Discussion openers: Julien Reynaud, Johannes Schwarze
- Paper 2: Christoph Moser (ETH Zurich/KOF), Andrew Rose (Berkeley), Who Benefits from Regional Trade Agreements? The View from the Stock Market. Discussion openers: Mark Copelovitch, Haillie Lee
- Paper 3: Leonardo Baccini (Princeton), Andreas Dür (Salzburg), Manfred Elsig (World Trade Institute), The Politics of Trade Agreement Design: Depth, Scope, and Flexibility. Discussion openers: Christopher Marcoux, Daniel Verdier
3:45-4:00pm Break
4:00-5:10pm Session 7: European Union
(Location: Bartley 2001)
Chair: Thomas Bernauer (ETH Zurich)
- Paper 1: Cristina Bodea (Michigan State), Who Invokes the Escape Clause: The Political Determinants of the European Monetary System Realignments. Discussion openers: Mareike Kleine, Claudia Maurini
- Paper 2: Thomas König (Mannheim), Lars Mäder (Mannheim), Compliance in the European Union. A Strategic Analysis of the Interaction Between Member States and the Commission. Discussion openers: Simon Hug, Leslie Johns
5:30pm: Bus to Philadelphia
6:30pm: Cocktails & Dinner
(Location: Union League in downtown Philadelphia)
10:00pm: Bus to Radnor Hotel
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Breakfast at hotel (
9:00-10:45am Session 8: Human Rights Organizations
(Location: Bartley 2001)
Chair: Axel Dreher (Heidelberg University)
- Paper 1: Courtenay Conrad (UNC at Charlotte), Emily Hencken Ritter (Alabama), Tenure, Treaties, and Torture: The Conflicting Domestic Effects of International Law. Discussion openers: Yukari Iwanami, Geoffrey Wallace
- Paper 2: Gabriele Spilker (ETH Zurich), Tobias Böhmelt (Harvard), The Impact of Preferential Trade Agreements on Governmental Repression Revisited – A Selection Perspective. Discussion openers: Christoph Moser, Jaroslav Tir
- Paper 3: Eric Neumayer (LSE), Do Governments Mean Business When They Derogate? Human Rights Violations During Notified States of Emergency. Discussion openers: J. Lawrence Broz, Julia Gray
10:45-11:15am Break
11:15-1:00pm Session 9: Environmental and other treaties
(Location: Bartley 2001)
Chair: Michael Tierney (William & Mary)
- Paper 1: Alexander Ovodenko (Princeton), Institutional Departure and Environmental Agreements. Discussion openers: Paula Castro, Eric Neumayer
- Paper 2: Justin Leinaweaver (Trinity College Dublin), The Marketing of Environmental Treaties: Non-Binding Signature as Information and Raising Public Awareness. Discussion openers: Thomas Bernauer, Cullen Hendrix
- Paper 3: Ana Espínola-Arredondo (Washington State), Félix Munoz-García (Washington State), When does Disinformation Promote Successful Treaties? Discussion openers: Karolina Milewicz, Byungwon Woo
1:00-2:30pm Lunch
2:30-4:15pm Session 10: Other International Organizations
(Location: Bartley 2001)
Chair: James Raymond Vreeland (Georgetown)
- Paper 1: Michael Findley (BYU), Daniel Nielson (BYU), Jason Sharman (Griffin University), Checking Shell Corporations: A Field Experiment on FATF Standards in Normal International Relations. Discussion openers: Jamus Lim, Wim Van Gestel
- Paper 2: John Willerton (Arizona), Gary Goertz (Arizona), Michael Slobodchikoff (Arizona), Mistrust and Hegemony: Regional Institutional Design, the CIS, and Russia. Discussion openers: Quintin Beazer, Randall Stone
- Paper 3: Cullen Hendrix (William & Mary), Wendy Wong (Toronto), Pointing the Finger: How Economic and Military Linkages Affect the Targeting of Amnesty International’s Advocacy Campaigns. Discussion openers: Julia Gray, Emily Hencken Ritter
4.15pm: Closing Remarks
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